We set example to earn from Digital Marketing. then pass on the knowledge
We keep ourself updated
100% students employed
Those who cannot join
Explore your talent
Work for yourself
Work for two hours daily
Work from home,office
We lead from the front, earn not from students pocket but from Digital Marketing .
Digital Marketing trainer is Dr.Joshi
Dr.Joshi is highly qualified, Ph.D. psychologist by profession,but now totally focused on
Digital marketing
He is world known author, has written 400+ pages tract (Granth) on Digital Marketing, in easy language.
There were no books available by Indian authors for Indian students.
He has written 4 tract (granth) to explain the subject. He does not give garbage of knowledge, but his books guide how to earn money seriously.
Just imagine if you are getting training from the world known author, not by any paid teacher.
He is famous for his other books also. He has written 63 books till date on various subjects. Still 8 books are coming from him. In which one screenplay is also coming of a web-series for Netflix.
He has written books on Personality Development & English speaking, text books on Music, Novels, Storybooks for kids, Social stories. He has written many tract ‘Granth’ on subconscious mind, spiritual world.
His books are translated in Hindi, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese languages. His works are very famous in France and Russia.
He is well versed personality to motivate and guide everyone.
He is Developing syllabus in India, for Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. To teach Digital marketing in Surat .
Dr.Joshi has trained himself made many mistakes, and with self learning develop a syllabus to teach people.
The best part is, he gives personal attention to each and every student to understand Digital marketing . So it is known as Personal Coaching, His way of teaching is very simple, to explain highly technical subject for non technical person. Which is very difficult task. But he teaches a person who is 8th standard fail, or even 9th standard girl.
Many engineering students have taken Digital marketing training and doing now their own business. Because this is the future.
Engineering students are always turn into educated unemployed person after his degree. Surprisingly even Computer engineering syllabus does not include Digital marketing . When Dr.Joshi teach this subject to Computer Engineering Professors, they thank him with the words, that they have wasted their life in front of computer, never earn a single rupee from Search Engine and Social Media.
He has trained many house wives who were previously sleeping in afternoon, and now earning more than their husbands. Now women after 40’s are choosing Digital marketing as career.
What to do after retirement is a big question for many senior citizens. Here is a solution. Dr. Joshi teaches senior citizens also, who never handled computer in their entire life.
A new journey of their life starts..Come to us, opportunity is waiting for you.
Dr. Joshi has perfect command on this subject as he is having scientists mind. Come speak with him on his whats app cell no 9723106181
Under the central government policy Education for all now students can appear for exam ad get certificates from world's leading Universities. Those Universities are Boston University (U.S.A.),University of Pennsylvania(U.S.A.), Northwestern University(U.S.A.), The University of California (U.S.A.), Illinois State University(U.S.A.)
First time in India five U.S. Universities certificates in Digital Marketing Course is possible, through our Training Program.
Your personal growth in every walks of life is our motto. We train you to win. Not "Only" Digital Marketing.
India has huge demand for Digital Marketing experts, experienced and fresher. We help 100% to students, to get job.
Best Selling Author's training, means perfect knowledge and personal guidance to get success in life by using Digital Marketing as a tool.
Social Media including Instagram, Tiktok; gaming industry including PUB-G is also part of our Digital Marketing Course syllabus as a tool.
At IJC Digital Marketing Course is designed as per Industry demand. We avoid garbage of knowledge,to latest Digital Marketing demand.
Title: A Handbook of Digital Marketing, How to earn money from Blogger, How to earn money from WordPress, How to earn money from YouTube
First time in India five U.S. Universities certificates in Digital Marketing Course is possible
First time in India five U.S. Universities certificates in Digital Marketing Course is possible
First time in India five U.S. Universities certificates in Digital Marketing Course is possible
First time in India five U.S. Universities certificates in Digital Marketing Course is possible
First time in India five U.S. Universities certificates in Digital Marketing Course is possible
First time in India five U.S. Universities certificates in Digital Marketing Course is possible
Title: Google Tag Manager,Google Analytics for Power Users,Google Analytics 360,Intro Data studio,Advanced Google Analytics
Every student is satisfied & employed, they are earning money after Digital Marketing course and career guidance, at IJC.
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